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Celebrating Lent

Lent is a time of preparation, leading us to Easter. There are lots of ways to practice this tradition. Many will "give up" something for Lent, like chocolate, or sodas - maybe even a bad habit they want to try ending. Many will "take on" something for Lent, like a daily prayer, or donating something each day - maybe practice a new habit they would like to incorporate into their life.  However you participate in the season of Lent, we pray it will bring an awareness of God in your life and lead you to a deeper understanding of Easter. 

In Worship, we will have weekly readings and a candle ritual to celebrate Lent.

Beyond worship, we invite you to participate in these special projects:



DAILY DEVOTIONS:    #PictureLent

We  invite everyone to use the  devotionals provided by - simply visit the page, and sign up to receive your devotions by e-mail. You can also return to the page to read them there. This project invites us all to take and share a photo matching the daily themes. 



We will be collecting clothing for Urban Mission from Feb. 18, through Palm Sunday which is the last Sunday of March. Please clean donations first, and remember underwear and socks must be new and still packaged. Bags for collecting will be available in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall. 


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WEEKLY STUDY:  "The Healing Journey"

This trauma-informed care study invites us all to name times in our lives when we were hurt or hurt others and see how it truly impacted us and others. Scripture, psychology, sociology, science and our own hearts will all inform this powerful journey.

11: 15 am on Sundays - starting March 10th

Free Lunch follows! 

Did you Know?

Churches use purple in their worship space twice a year to show they are getting ready for something: Lent (Easter) and Advent (Christmas). 

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