Mental Health Support
We are committed to assuring all people that they are worthy of God’s love and capable of being loved by a community. We have grown into a diverse community composed of people from across creation’s many spectrums.
We are blessed by the stories, experiences, and gifts of each person. We are also shaped by the hurts, challenges, hopes, and longings of everyone who finds our Church family to be a safe sanctuary. While much of our diversity is visible, openly articulated, and freely expressed, there are other diversities that impact people’s identity that must be respected, affirmed, and supported. This includes those living with mental health challenges such as, but not limited to, mental illnesses, brain disorders, addictions, abuse (spiritual, sexual, emotional, physical, etc.), and trauma.
Mental Health Ministries:
Mental Health Recognition Sunday - Annually in May
Trauma Informed Care classes - Offered biannually
Rainbow Moms Support Group - Meet monthly
Grief and Loss classes and trainings at CA Men's Prison
*This is sponsored by C.C.C. and led by Rev. Jacob.
*Guests welcome - application and screening required.
Personal Identity Project - Ongoing self reflection resources
Trusted Care Providers
From Our Pastor:
Having grown up in a home that was fearful of a mental health condition being passed down to my generation, I'm very aware of the stigma and sorrow that can overwhelm us. Having been diagnosed with my own lifelong condition, I am aware of the internal struggle that many face. Having found a Church home that welcomes and supports me, I better understand the word "sanctuary" and hope this congregation might be the safe place you have been looking for. Every person's journey is unique. No two people have the same intersectinality of life and diagnosis. What we can do is listen, support, advocate, and encourage each other along the way.