God's presence is always with us, but sometimes we need to be reminded. Prayer Shawls are a wonderful way to remind people that they are loved and that God is with them.
In times of distress or grief, a prayer shawl can wrap a person in a tangible way, reminding them that others are wrapping them in prayer as God holds them in love. Over times, shawls become a reminder of how God helped us a time of challenge or fear.
Prayer Shawls can also mark a sacred moment like the birth of a baby, or be a sign of solidarity for those living with injustice or discrimination.
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry group is made up of volunteers who create shawls with the prayerful intent of giving them away. You do not have to be a member of our church to participate in this Ministry, or even make it to worship. Some participants even live out of state. This is a great opportunity to share your gifts, where ever you are.

Prayer Shawls