October 27, 2019
Email the Church Office
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10:00 am Worship in the Sanctuary
11:00 am Lunch in Fellowship Hall and Grounds
Music in Sanctuary
Exhibit Tables Open
12:30 pm Workshops: Session 1
1:45 pm Workshops: Session 2
3:00 pm Go tell others about your great day!
* Understanding Gender Identity
Summer Gomez of the Penny Lane Center will explore the letters of the non-gender conforming alphabet, and talk about gender expression , identity, and attraction. Bring your questions for an open conversation about the various spectrums of expressions that make up the pride movement.
* Intersectionality of Race and Gender Identity
Rev. Clemette Haskins of "The Haven" Church will facilitate a panel discussion on the unique challenges of exploring gender identity within various ethnic communities. The panel will then field questions from those who have been listening.
*History and Future of the Pride Movement
Lucia Napolez will explore the history of the Pride movement, explore some of the tensions within the movement today, and invite participants to share their dreams of where the movement will take us next.
*Mental Health and Spiritual Abuse
Dr. Mica Steward of the Relationship Repair and Care Clinic hosts a panel of experts to talk about the connection between abusive theology and mental health. After the participants share, they will invite questions and sharing from the participants.