This workshop will take about three hours total, and is designed to be done in three phases:
Personal Exploration Done by yourself on your own time.
Sharing and Connecting Done with a Covina Community Church group or clergy.
Personal Reflection Done by yourself on your own time.
Phase 1: Personal Exploration
Pray – Center yourself in prayer, and ask God to help you learn and grow, regardless of your comfort level with the topics you are engaging. Here are some words if you need them:
God of our ancestors and Lord of tomorrow, help us find our place within the family of faith that surrounds us. Help me expand my understanding of you, of myself, and the world I live in. Amen.
Reflect - What do the following words mean to you? Consider writing out your answers in a journal or on a piece of paper. You might even want to draw what domes to mind if your brain processes in more creative ways.
Church – Mission – Salvation – Authority – Grace – Justice – Jesus - Discipleship
Watch – Use the links below to watch these videos about the UCC and Congregational structure:
Then watch these videos on "Authority" and "Progressive Christianity."
Reflect – Look back over the list of words in the first reflection section. How has your understanding of these words changed or shifted? What new insights have emerged for you? What questions are you left with? If you are keeping a journal for this process, take some time to record your thoughts.
Read - Turn to Micah 6:1-8 to read, then turn to Matthew 22:36-40 and Matthew 25:31-45 in your Bible and then take time for the reflection questions.
Reflect –
What is the primary thing God asks of people?
Do you think it is more important to focus on our beliefs or our behaviors?
What do you hope most for others: to believe in God, to feel like they belong, or let love dictate their behaviors?
Phase 2: Sharing and Connecting
Pray – Center yourself in prayer, and ask God to help you learn and grow, regardless of your comfort level with the topics. Here are some words if you need them:
Loving God, who meets us where we are and loves us as we are, help us see each other and listen to each other. As we do, may our hearts make space for all your people. Amen.
Share - Use these prompts to guide your conversations:
Revisit the word list from the Phase 1 reflection and share what wisdom you have received around them.
Church – Mission – Salvation – Authority – Grace – Justice – Jesus - Discipleship
How or where do you see God at work in your life or in the world?
Where does most of your understanding of God come from?
What does being “Christian” mean to you?
What questions or concerns do you have about God’s role in your life?
What do you believe about the Church and its purpose in the world today?
Phase 3: Personal Reflection
Pray – Center yourself in prayer and ask God to help you find the words for your thoughts and feelings. Here are some words if you need them:
Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit, you have been known to us in so many ways. Help me to keep growing in my understanding of your love and your expectations. Guide me as I seek to understand your relationships with others and how you call me to serve them. Amen.
Reflect - On paper or in a digital document, answer the following questions.
You can use the form below to share your work with the Church office.
How connected are your head and your heart (mind and emotions) on matters of faith?
What factors impact the ways you understand God’s expectations for you and others?
What do you think happens after this life and what impact to you think we have on the outcome?
What do you believe is the mission of the Church today?