This workshop will take about three hours total, and is designed to be done in three phases:
Personal Exploration Done by yourself on your own time.
Sharing and Connecting Done with a Covina Community Church group or clergy.
Personal Reflection Done by yourself on your own time.
Phase 1: Personal Exploration
Pray – Center yourself in prayer, and ask God to help you learn and grow, regardless of your comfort level with the topics you are engaging. Here are some words if you need them:
Breath of life and creator of all, help me clear my mind and settle my body. With each breath, in and out, may I be filled with your Spirit. With each breath, in and out, may I be reminded that all who share this simple act of breathing, of living, of being, are your children and your beloved. Help me see what I might have missed before and help me see issues, people, and the world we live in through the eyes of Jesus. With each breath, in and out, may we all live more fully. Amen.
Reflect - What do the following words mean to you? Consider writing out your answers in a journal or on a piece of paper. You might even want to draw what domes to mind if your brain processes in more creative ways.
Race – Discrimination – Civil Rights – Equality – Justice – Racist – Privilege
Watch – Follow this link to view an interview with Dr. Ibram X. Kindi, provided by the Aspen Institute:
For those who identify as “white” we also recommend watching Dr. Robin DeAngelo:
Reflect – Look back over the list of words in the first reflection section. How has your understanding of these words changed or shifted? What new insights have emerged for you? What questions are you left with? If you are keeping a journal for this process, take some time to record your thoughts.
Read - Turn to Mark 7:1-30 in your Bible and then take time for the reflection questions.
Reflect – Time to add to that journal, or doodle some more feelings as you reflect.
What traditions do we have today that give some privilege over others?
What systems or policies do we have that contradict the teachings of Jesus?
How do we justify, even using Scripture, systems or policies that discriminate?
Phase 2: Sharing and Connecting
Pray – Center yourself in prayer, and ask God to help you learn and grow, regardless of your comfort level with the topics. Here are some words if you need them:
Loving God, who weaves us all together, help us see each other and listen to each other. As we do, may our hearts make space for all your people. Amen.
Share - Use these prompts to guide your conversations:
Revisit the word list from the Phase 1 reflection and share what wisdom you have received around them.
Race – Discrimination – Civil Rights – Equality – Justice – Racist – Privilege
How did Dr. Kindi’s interview speak to or challenge your experience?
What does being anti-racist mean to you?
How does your faith impact your understanding of racial justice and discrimination?
What is the role of the Church in conversations on racism and social justice?
What questions or concerns are most prominent for you around these issues?
Phase 3: Personal Reflection
Pray – Center yourself in prayer and ask God to help you find the words for your thoughts and feelings. Here are some words if you need them:
Spirit of transformation and giver of new life, break open my heart when it is hardened. Hold open my eyes when there are things I would rather ignore. Give me the strength to open my arms and my mind to embrace and engage people and ideas that are beyond my personal experience. Amen.
Reflect - On paper or in a digital document, answer the following questions.
You can use the form below to share your work with the Church office.
How does your faith impact your views on social justice?
What is God’s message to those who feel marginalized?
What issues do you, personally, have to face in order to live as an anti-racist?
What issues do we, as a Church, have to face in order to serve as an anti-racist Church?